Homelessness in Finland 2022

At the end of 2022, there were 3,686 homeless people living alone in Finland, which is 262 less than in 2021. The number of the long-term homeless was 1,133, which marks a decrease of 185 people. This information is based on data collected from municipalities by the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA).

There were 896 homeless people living alone in Helsinki, which is 313 fewer than in the previous year. In Espoo, the number of homeless people decreased by 60 to 373 people. In other large cities, homelessness increased or remained unchanged. Overall, homelessness was reported in 96 municipalities.

The highest relative number of homeless people was found in Turku with 2.0 homeless people per 1,000 inhabitants. In Helsinki, the ratio was 1.7, showing a decrease from the previous year’s 2.2. Of the major Finnish cities, Oulu had the lowest relative number of homeless people (ratio 0.6).

Homelessness in Finland 2000-2022
Figure: Homelessness in Finland 2000 - 2022. © ARA

Homelessness increased among women and young people

The number of homeless women was 910, and they amounted to approximately 25 per cent of all homeless people. There were 815 homeless young people under the age of 25. The number of homeless women increased by 19 persons and the number of homeless young people by 104 from the previous year.

Of all the homeless, 70 per cent were temporarily staying with friends or relatives. Dormitories, hostels and different institutions housed 17 per cent of the homeless people. Finally, 13 per cent of the homeless people were living outside, in stairways or in overnight shelters.

The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland (ARA) has published homelessness statistics since 1987. The data is based on municipalities’ estimates of homelessness in their area in mid-November. In autumn 2022, ARA sent the homelessness survey to all 293 municipalities in mainland Finland. The survey was taken by 209 cities and municipalities, generating a response rate of 71 per cent. Of the respondent municipalities, 96 reported that there were homeless people living in the municipality’s area.

Read more on the report (link below).

Report 2/2023:

Published 2023-03-29 at 12:19, updated 2023-03-29 at 12:41